Neura Technologies

Claim $50 Free & Get Daily Cashback

To get the free $50 you simply need to register for a free account and use a special code that I will provide below.

Click Here To Join

After joining you need to click on the CASHBACK 
button in the main menu.

On this page you will see a code that you can provide to others,
but will also see a GET A BONUS button.
Click that button and enter the code  ZGVrZXJwZWwubmFkaW5lQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ
in the box as show below:

This will add $50 to your ADV balance first of all.
After 48 hours the funds will automatically be transferred to the 
Advertising Budget section.

After the founds have moved to the Advertising Budget
 you need to click on the ACTIVATE ROBOT button.

This $50 will begin to accrue daily cashback funds, however 
you need to log in to reactivate the account each Sunday